Fuel Tracking on Geotab Pro Plan

When on the Pro Plan, your Geotab device keeps track of following fuel information of your vehicle:

  • Fuel level
  • Fuel economy
  • Fuel added
  • Tank capacity
Please note the information provided is dependent on the vehicle’s make, model and year.


Below are some of the reports you can view within the MyGeotab platform:

Fuel Usage Report

Geotab fuel tracing usage report in MyGeotab

Fill-Ups Report

Geotab fuel tracking fill ups report in MyGeotab

Fill-Ups Graph

Geotab fuel tracking fill ups graph in MyGeotab


Fuel Card Integration

Geotab also supports Fuel Card integrations, please contact us to see about this solution. Fuel card transactions can be manually or automatically (integrated, for an additional fee) imported into your database. This allows you to verify your transactions, identify possible fraud, and centralize your data. Fuel card integrations will give you more features such as:

  • Automatic fuel card transactions that are processed daily to provide you with the most up to date information.
  • Configurable alerts for email or display by day, week, or month.
  • Get true costs per litre and cost per kilometre by vehicle. Get true idling costs with and without auxiliaries included.
  • Fuel spillage calculated by location analysis and by fuel spent versus fuel purchased
  • Check for invalid fill ups, invalid locations and invalid fill up volumes


Additional Reports

Geotab also provides various fuel reports to save your fuel cost and improve productivity:


We can help you customize the system and get the most out of it. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Fill-Ups Frequently Asked Questions

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