Geotab GO9
With over 23 years of experience in the industry, Geotab has become a leader in telematics worldwide. By utilizing partnerships with 700+ companies and 200+ marketplace integration, Geotab has been able to amass over 4,000,000 subscriptions.
The Geotab GO9 devices fits the needs of any business, from small to large! With an easy plug-an-play option along with various harnesses and adapter, it can be utilized in nearly any vehicle. Do you have heavy duty equipment or assets exposed to harsh environmental conditions? Then the Geotab GO9 RUGGED device may be for you.
Become one of the 50,000+ companies that are using Geotab today!
Geotab GO9 Features
- LTE connectivity
- Near-real-time vehicle info
- In-cab coaching
- Collision detection
- OTA updates
- IOX technology for expansion
- Engine health assessments
- Battery health assessments
- Simple plug-and-play install into light duty vehicles (some vehicles may require an additional harness adapter)

Geotab Highlights
- 23+ years of experience
- 4,000,000+ subscriptions worldwide
- 75,000,000,000+ data points collected, leading to better analytics
- 50,000+ companies signed up
- 200+ Marketplace and partner integrations
- 700+ partners worldwide
Contact us today to start your GPS fleet tracking journey with the GO9!

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All of our GPS tracking solutions are customized for your business and tailored to your budget...

Return on Investment
At GPS Tracking Canada, we understand that every company benefits from GPS Tracking in different ways...

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For more information, or to schedule a demo or an installation,
call us toll free at 1.877.477.0987