Making GPS Tracking Part Of Your Business Routine

Making GPS Tracking part of your business routine is essential to get the most value out of your tracking System. In our 10+ year experience in this industry, we have learned that making GPS Tracking part of your routine leads to higher profitability, lower vehicle costs and better customer service. You may think this will take up a lot of time or you would need a dedicated employee for this, however, you can set up the system to only show you what you want or get notifications/email on the important things you need to see. The goal of the GPS Tracking system is to reduce the time you use to look after your vehicles while giving you more insight into how the vehicles are used.

To get the best out of a GPS Tracking system, we recommend a few things to make it a part of your business routine:


All our tracking systems come with automatically emailed custom reports. They vary in types and can be scheduled at any time. This is one of the best ways to get the most value out of your GPS tracking system.

There are many types of reports you can utilize. The common reports most of our clients use are:

  • Automatically emailed weekly/daily timesheet reports
  • After hours use reports
  • Customer visits reports
  • Idling reports

These reports are designed for you specifically so that you can get all the important data about your vehicles right in your email inbox.


Our tracking systems allow you to set up rules for certain events and get notifications and alerts if those rules have been broken. This was you will get a real-time update on if your vehicles are being abused or driving in the wrong area, or even arriving at a customer’s location. This way you do not have to constantly keep an eye on the tracking system and can work on improving your business.

Here are some of the common notifications that we recommend:

  • Speeding
  • Idling
  • Unauthorized device removal
  • Accident detection
  • Arriving or leaving a zone/geofence


One of the main hindrances to the adaption of GPS Tracking is that most people in the organization are not aware of the tracking system or are not told the benefits on the system. We have found that the more people involved with the GPS Tracking in the company the more value you would receive from the system. This is because GPS Tracking data is useful for most departments in an organization, such as the accounting department where they can use kilometers driven for billing or create custom reports just for costing purposes.

Here are some tips on how to create awareness across your organization:

  • Let the drivers know about tracking
  • Setup a second monitor in the office so that everyone knows where the vehicles are
  • Gives access to multiple departments and users in the office

Ultimately, making GPS Tracking part of your business routine will give you the most value out of the system. We here at GPS Tracking Canada believe that the GPS Tracking system should pay for itself. That is why we are willing to provide unlimited free training to all of our clients and any user of the system.

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At GPS Tracking Canada, we understand that every company benefits from GPS Tracking in different ways...

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