Basic Driver Score Report
An Overview Of The Basic Driver Score Report Card
Provided by GPS Tracking Canada
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The Basic Driver Score is one of MyGeotab’s default dashboard reports and is provided as an example of how driver score cards can be generated. The report combines several aspects including mileage, idle time, work hours and speeding (3 speed bands) and is a customization of the Risk Management Report.
The report calculates events and assigns demerit to reflect the severity of the speed, idle or after hours trips deviation.
The chart will display the Top 10 vehicles with the highest number of event demerits in order to highlight which drivers might require additional training.
The default is to not allow a driver to collect more than 3 demerits in each category however you could create your own custom Basic Driver Score report and alter this number.
The basic driver score is calculated as follows:
Idling: This depends on the value you input under Maximum Idling within this report, by default this is set to 30%. The number of demerit points is three times the ratio between the actual idling percentage and the maximum idling value. Like the other two categories the maximum, by default, is 3.
Speeding: The report will assign a speeding event into one or more of the three speed bands as defined in your MyGeotab database’s System Settings (Administration -> System -> System Settings). The default values are 113, 129 and 145 km/h. For example, a speeding event of 132 km/h will count as an event in both Speed band 1 and 2. Each speed band event is weighted appropriately and a total number of demerit points are calculated for each device/driver.
After Hours Usage: This depends on the Work Hours schedule that is assigned to each device, visible in the device properties within MyGeotab. The amount of demerit points is calculated by dividing the number of after hours trips with the total number of trips for the time period and multiplying the result by 3.

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