HomeTeam Pest Defense Case Study
Case Study On HomeTeam Pest Defense Provided By Geotab
Provided by GPS Tracking Canada

HomeTeam is a provider of pest and termite control for homes and businesses. Part of its pest and termite process requires using chemicals in an environmentally sensitive and effective way. Driven by its internal company culture of promoting safety and efficiency, it made sense for Home-Team to also focus on greening its fleet of 1,200 vehicles.Unlike most organizations that need to first test a new telematics solution to prove the business case, the decision to adopt telematics wasan easy one for HomeTeam.The implementation for the technology was originally driven by one of its sister pest control companies. While the original intent stemmed from a driver safety perspective, it quickly realized fuel and mileage reductions for the organization. From our experience, there appears to be a clear interlink between safety and green,” said Kevin Wolf, HomeTeam’s CFO. “Maintaining green efforts was a logical extension of the company’s present objectives.” Aggressive driving, such as harsh acceleration and speeding, correlates to greater fuel consumption and risky driving — as doesvehicle idling and taking less than optimal routes. Once the companyrolled out Geotab’s telematics solution, it realized an immediate 10-11 percent reduction in fuel spend. In the case of Home-Team, safety and sustainability equals to organizational savings that, on its own,continuously reinforces the benefits of telematics.As stressed by Geotab’s CEO Neil Cawse, “at the end of the day, it’s really all about being able to manage by measurement – where am Itoday, and how am I going to improve tomorrow?
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